Novateca Overview

Novateca equipped libraries and computers stats

Total Program Libraries:

This the total number of libraries currently fully equipped in the Novateca network.

Computers in Equipped Libraries:

This is the number of computers donated to libraries in the Novateca network.

Novateca Network Library Report Comparisons (2013 - 2015)

Library Users

The number of library users is gathered from a report collected from libraries in the Novateca network on a monthly basis using the Novateca online reporting tool (ORT). The graph shows that the number of visitors remains relatively steady in 2013 and 2014. In 2015 the total number of library users exceeds 200,000 (because of increasing of total number of libraries in the program) and 350,000 – in 2016. The number of library users is limited by the number of residents in that village/town. In 2017, cumulative number of library visitors from the Novateca network exceed 657,000 people, being more than 10 times greater in comparison with 2013.

Physical Visits

The number of library visits is gathered from a report collected from libraries in the Novateca pilot network on a monthly basis using the Novateca online reporting tool (ORT). The gap between the 2013 and 2014 lines is a fair estimate of the effect Novateca has on visits to the library. The graph compares the same libraries (from the pilot program), over the same period of time, and shows an stable increase of this number. In 2015, the number of monthly library visits grew up about 3 times, in 2016 – 7 times and in 2017 – about 12 times more in comparison with 2013 (because of increasing of total number of libraries in the program).


The number of consultations is gathered from a report collected from libraries in the Novateca network on a monthly basis using the Novateca online reporting tool (ORT). The number of consultations can be considered a good proxy for what is happening in libraries, as it refers to the instances when a librarian assists a user. In the period 2013-2017 total number of consultations offered to library, visiotrs grew up about 12 times.

Library Loans

The number of library loans is gathered from a report collected from libraries in the Novateca network on a monthly basis using the Novateca online reporting tool (ORT). As we can see, the number of loans increases after the installation of computers with internet access, this being an effect of attracting new visitors by modern technologies. In the period 2013-2017 total number of loans in Novateca network grew up about 9,4 times.

Library Events and Community Trainings

The number of events and trainings is gathered from a report collected from libraries in the Novateca network on a monthly basis using the Novateca online reporting tool (ORT). The trainings and events are those that the library delivers to their local community and compares libraries in the pilot network. The first graph is a good indicator that the amount of event participants increases. The second graph shows a slight decrease in the number of people trained. This decrease in the second year reflects the fact that an unusually large number of trainings take place in the first year of Novateca inclusion. In 2015 and 2016 we can see a fluctuation of the event participants, and a decreasing of trained people, which is the result of additional explication between consultation and trainings, conducted by Novateca. In 2017, on average 59,000 people attended library events, other than modern services and trainings, this number being 5,4 times greater in comparison with 2013. Average number of monthly trained people increased 9 times comparing with 2013.


Overall investments in libraries from Novateca Partners

Average Library Investments Per Library

The graph shows the intial investments made on average by the local public authorities for public libraries to participate in the Novateca program. Public authorities have heavily invested in library infrastructure, at an average of $850 per library.

LPA Investments in Libraries:
1134626 $

This number is the total amount invested by local public authorities towards libraries in the Novateca network, in USD.

Private Business Investment in Libraries:
109137 $

This number is the amount invested by national and international NGOs towards libraries in the Novateca network, in USD.

NGO Investments in Libraries:
101766 $

This number is the amount invested by national and local businesses towards Novateca libraries, in USD.

Snapshot of Novateca trainings' statistics

Total Number of Trained Librarians as Trainers:

This number represents the trainers that have completed a training-of-trainers course and conduct trainings at regaional trainigns centers.

Total Number of Trained Librarians:

This number represents the total number of librarians that are trained in the courses: Modern Library Concepts, IT and Computer Basics, and New Library Services.

Trained IT Specialists:

This is the number of IT specialists participating in trainings as part of the Novateca Program.

Trained IT Volunteers:

This is the number of volunteers that providing IT services and participating in trainings as part of the Novateca Program.


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